Current State Assessments

Review Business Operations and their Data Systems

Business Analysis is a key requirement to understand the current state of any particular aspect of a business. This includes both data systems and the business operations that utilise them. The result of the an assessment should enable the identification of key risks or opportunities to improve the area of investigation.

My experience from undertaking current state assessments follows a tested methodology to develop a holistic view of a business operation through to detailed mapping of business processes.

I have previously mapped operations across a large corporate enterprise identifying key risks and reporting on recommendations for operational improvement.

I have also mapped multiple data systems within large corporate enterprise environments and assessed data integrity and quality across numerous data systems. This has helped ensure data consistency businesses and identified various key data risks and gaps within processes.

My skills also enable such assessments to focus jointly on a review of both business process and system data workflows. This leads to identifying further opportunities to leverage value from the data already within the business.

If your business has a need to articulate its current state in relation to data and business processes to internal or external stakeholders, these assessments will provide the information required.